OK!.....The second week of Project Community was quite confusing and
unorganized. We had a meeting again with the two members of NGO but it took us
a lot of time before really starting a real 'conversation'. What I found really
hilarious was that yesterday we were ask to think and work about our digital
identity and technological knowledge but we didn't know how to have a hang out
on Google +. :-P
This week was basically based on making an evaluation about the Gogorobì
Foundation by using a spider diagram and to come up with some questions to ask
to the members. Yeah, the questions were good and interesting but making the
spider diagram was quite difficult for me as I, and probably also my team,
didn't know quite a lot about the Foundation. We had to judge it on some values
we didn't really understand. The questions we made arrived to us in few seconds
but meanwhile we already have published the diagram on the website.
Talking about my tools and skills, I don't really consider myself a
genius in this area despite I already have some nice experiences with
technology. I even studied some computer programming such as HTML, CSS or PHP
but just as a passion. Then, what else?...... I really enjoy using photoshop
and discovering some nice techniques to modify the images and I practiced a bit
on CAD and just had some fun on Google SketchUP. I like creating the presentations, draw and
using social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. Both of them but especially
Facebook is a way to keep in contact with some of my friends that are from many
parts of the world. Who knows?....maybe one day I will need to go in a country
where I got a friend and this would facilitate a lot my staying and my life.
But Facebook cannot substitute the real life! I believe that on the Social
networks an individual can be and present himself as he or she likes, with many
personalities but in real life, with real people it's different, it is not
possible to do it anymore. So basically I think social networks have some
negative aspects but they do also have some positive ones as I mentioned